Charmin Clean

Toilet paper really isn’t about toilet paper. It is our primal survival response to prepare or “take cover” It’s not until we have five rolls and look around that we notice “Oh right, this isn’t just about me. Others are in the same boat.” The initial reaction of self-preservation is natural. It becomes unhealthy when we forget about community and focus only on ourselves. It is more about control and less about need. We can’t control what’s happening outside the home, so we overcompensate for what we have inside the home. We want to leave it for others, but fear what will happen when we need more. So, we grab an extra roll. The growth opportunity lies in balancing that fear with faith. Having faith in humanity that if we leave it for others, someone will leave it for us, brings us closer as a community. It’s not easy, but we can get through it together. If you're concerned about not having enough, develop a plan based on your household. For example, “For a family of 4, I will re-stock at 3 rolls.”

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